Sports Massage reaches deeper layers of muscles. It is used to break down knots and relieve pressure points throughout the body. This massage is beneficial for athletes and those who sit for long periods of time.
The goal of Swedish Massage is to melt away muscle tension and increase the blood flow to your heart. Swedish Massage is extremely therapeutic as it decreases muscle toxins, increases oxygen levels in the blood, and improves flexibility in the body.
Oncology massage is similar to Pregnancy Massage. Care is taken to ensure you are comfortable at all times. Whether you are actively going through treatment or are on the road to recovery my aim is to get you feeling relaxed. If you are concerned with lymphedema we have techniques that can be used to help with this.
Pregnancy massage is very similar to Swedish Massage. Care is taken to ensure you are comfortable then oils are used to sooth, warm, and massage your muscles. This allows your body to relax and release tension and stress. without causing any harm to you or your baby.
Medical Acupuncture or dry needling can be used to treat a range of ailments. At CMT we use acupuncture to release tension and to aid the release of those stubborn knots. We have also used it to help migraine and tension headache sufferers. Usually this is used alongside massage techniques but if you require only acupuncture please inform your therapist.
Indian head massage is a treatment that focuses on massaging acupressure points along the head, neck, and shoulders, often using circular massage strokes to improve hair and scalp condition. The aim of Indian head massage is to release tension in the muscles and joints of the head, face, neck and shoulders. Indian head massage can also help with relieving fatigue, insomnia, headaches, and sinusitis.
Do let us know if there would be anything you would be interested in while we make our plans for these upcoming events! Currently brainstorming ideas like fitness and well-being events that would include anything such as fitness classes, yoga, massage, sound baths, workshops on mental health issues such as burn out and more.
We base my pricing on the time spent with the therapist rather than the individual treatment types.
Pricing current as of October 2023 - this will be increasing by £2 as from October 2024.
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